1 - The "-c" flag... From the manual : "Sometimes, no inet(6)num object is found in the hierarchy containing a reference to an irt object. In this the query will return no objects." Do you really think anyone is going to implement it if it does "one more query for nothing (ie: empty result)" ... in most cases ? It should return the "classic" (ie: without -c (but still processing other flags)) result if nothing is found... There is a consensus in the working group to make all queries return the relevant IRT records by default, so it's not clear what will happen to
On Oct 22, Philippe Bourcier <philippe@cyberabuse.org> wrote: the -c flag. I'm waiting for RIPE staff to comment on when it will be possible to implement the changes discussed. (Also, was this discussed at the last meeting?)
2 - "e-mail" field of the IRT object Why would you want to hide the "e-mail" field of the IRT object by default (forcing the use of -B to get it) ? Because of morons writing scripts which send mail to every address they see.
3 - "abuse-mailbox" field of the IRT object Why would an IRT object specify an abuse-mailbox, while there's already an e-mail field that is mandatory ? An IRT's e-mail address is an abuse-mailbox by definition, isn't it ? Just use it instead of the email attribute, if it exists.
-- ciao, Marco