Hi, IMHO, this is the same feature as "netname:" attribute should do. Even netname has "user unfriendly" format and possibility assign same ID to different organizations. Maybe the problem could be solved by adding new attribute to inetnum: object? Best regards, Rimas Janusauskas, Vilnius University Hostmaster ______________________________________________________________________ P.O.Box 543 e-mail: rimas.janusauskas@sc.vu.lt LT-2024 Vilnius Lithuania fax/phone: +370 2 687188 ______________________________________________________________________ On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Joao Luis Silva Damas wrote:
yes, we called it the "organization" object. We decided to postpone bringing it up for a little while, to make sure the reimplementation would be closer to the end and it could be incorporated within a reasonable time.
This would be during the next RIPE meeting (September).
We can release it (I can't access it right now) as a starting point for discussion.
Is that OK?
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Stephen Burley wrote:
Hi I have a quick question has any ever thought of creating a company object, which is much the same as a person object but it means that any range of IP's assigned to a company will easily be traced. Making it easier to find the total amount IP space assigned to a company/org , which frankly at the moment is impossable.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Burley "If patience is a virtue, and ignorance is bliss, UUNET EMEA Hostmaster you can have a pretty good life Stephenb@uk.uu.net if you're stupid and willing to wait" ------------------------------------------------------------------------