How would solving this issue, fix the issue of incorrect prefix / route object filters as you can also pay a small fee for the RAdb and put anything you like in it ... Without any rir authorization ? ... Companies that are knowingly trying to register incorrect should have their resources de-registered via arbitration. That should be a (top) prio across all RIR's if we ever want to fix this kind of abusive behaviour. Database accuracy and database usage / behaviour are very important .. We have all these policies / rules that state what we need to do .. And if someone is just entering false/ fake info in the databse, it should be reason enough for arbitration and initiate a complete de-registration of resources. The system as it is, is required to be able to register AS numbers from other RIR's into the RIPE db to be able to create route objects ... In order to be able to get your upstreams to route your prefixes.. Not many peering parties are doing actual per peer prefix list creation is my experience... I think there might be a solution between a federated RIR DB authentication solution and arbitration for this abusive behaviour... I fear that just quiting this feature will break lots of other stuff.. Regards, Erik Bais