Hi Tim, DB-WG community! On 2016-05-25 19:51, Tim Bruijnzeels wrote:
Dear working group,
We have an update with regards to the following action point: AP69.3 [RIPE NCC] To examine and report on possible solutions to improving geolocation data in the RIPE DB (Ongoing but if no progress by RIPE 72 then kill it)
Following a decision by the RIPE NCC Executive Board not to support resource expenditure in the area of geolocation services, the RIPE NCC has no plans to examine this further.
I can easily relate to this decision and can easily "accept" it. But as a consequence, I'd like to propose to *discontinue* all geo-location related functionality in the Resource Registry as soon as possible. Regards, Wilfried
A write-up is published on our website: https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/db/tools/geolocation-in-the-ripe-da...
Kind regards,
Tim Bruijnzeels
Assistant Manager Software Engineering RIPE NCC Database Group