Hi, Object reordering only takes place when the mail contains AUTO nic-handle creation. This is because references to the new object need to be resolved (by creating the nic handle) before the other objects can be processed. If you don't request AUTO nic handle creation, there is no reordering. Therefore, sending a mail containing a delete followed by a creation should be safe (the only possibility for it to go wrong would be if between the processing of the deletion and the creation an update taking place at the same time grabs the old nic handle. This is extremely unlikely and impossible to do on purpose since it depends on machine load, etc). Once again, if the object in the deletion is referred to by other DB objects the deletion will fail. But in this case, so would the creation immediately after it, since the nic handle would be in use. regards, Joao "Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at> writes: * >you're right - it's possible this way if the person object isn't * >related to any other object in the database. FMPOV it should be * >strongly recommended that deletion and re-creation would be done * >by just _one_ email to 'auto-dbm@...' because of the sequential * >processing. This avoids the re-use of the NIC-handle by the * >'AUTO-1' mechanism in between two separate mails. * * This is also my "gut-feeling". * * However doing so in many cases generates "funny" error messages * due to object re-ordering within a single update message, and it * might interfere with what you had in mind. * * I think this is still not resolved completely. * Maybe the DB SW technicians could clarify this issue? * * Wilfried. *