Tim.Goodwin@pipex.net writes * Marten, * * > A new mailbox will be installed for direct access to the new database * > software without RIPE NCC staff intervention. This means fast response * > times, but since the updates are not looked at by the staff, updates * > containing errors will be bounced just as fast. The new mailbox will be * > <auto-dbm@ripe.net>. The old mailboxes will remain, and the NCC staff * > will look at mails directed to one of these mailboxes and forward * > updates to the new update procedure, after some very basic checking. * > ... * * Should new assignments from class C blocks continue to go to * "assign", with just updates to existing objects to "auto-dbm"? Or can * everything go to "auto-dbm"? Actually this is a good question ;-) We sort of have not made arrangements for this. I have some idea how to implement the difference between ripe-dbm and assign in the new database software, and I have to see how fast I can get that in (not too difficult I would say). Until further notice (I hope I can get this done before Friday) please send new assignments still to assign, and use auto-dbm or ripe-dbm for all others. Just some explanation, the messages sent to assign are first checked to see if they are already in the database, and currently bounced back to the NCC if they are. I think what I will do is create something like auto-assign, which has the same "on-the-fly" features as auto-dbm, but will only ADD new objects, and bounce all objects that are already present. This would mean that also contact people that are already present will not be updated when sent to auto-assign. The idea behind the difference between assign and ripe-dbm is to avoid some typos (especially in the beginning there were loads of 192/193 typos, and I am sure we will get some more 193/194 typos) and to cater for forwarding new entries directly to the InterNIC in the exchange format. The last has not been done yet. -Marten