Sander Steffann via db-wg wrote on 09/10/2022 12:33:
The executive board feedback corresponds to my opinion on this policy, especially these points: - It significantly reduces the usability for one of its core purpose - being able to contact resource holders about their number resources. - It puts at risk the public chain of custody of Internet number resources. - We would welcome a discussion that focuses more on which parts of the data are publicly available, rather than a sweeping removal.
I think a new and more detailed discussion is indeed necessary for this proposal to go anywhere. The current proposal is not acceptable to me. I'm inclined to agree with this, for the reasons given above.
The justification for maintaining this data seems clear under the GDPR. Individual people are obviously welcome to disagree with this justification, but that doesn't mean that the justification is invalid. One of the conversations we had at the DBTF early on was the idea of approaching the ripe database with a chain saw and engaging in some far-reaching proposals to clean out a good deal of content from it. Tempting as that might have seemed at the time, the consensus view at the end of the DBTF process was that this would break too many things, and that an incremental clean-up would be more useful. The 2022-01 proposal is likely to break too many things, while creating an extremely large work pile for the RIPE NCC to manage. This doesn't seem like a good approach to dealing with any of the problems that the proposal aims towards (data accuracy / privacy / etc). Nick