Database working group members, The discussion period has now closed for the chair selection. This notice is to confirm that Denis Walker has been selected for the two year term seat, while David Tatlisu has been selected for the three year seat. We welcome David to the chair team and look forward to having his support for our working group. Best regards, William DB-WG Co-Chair ________________________________ From: William Sylvester <william.sylvester@addrex.net> Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023 11:30 AM To: db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Database Working Group Chair Selection Fellow working group members, We currently have two slots open, the first is Denis’s term has come to an end. In keeping with our continuity plan to have chairs on a three year rotation offset yearly. The other open slot has two years remaining as a term. We have two candidates currently for these open slots with preferences as indicated; Denis Walker, two year term David Tatlisu, three year term I encourage each candidate to post any statements they wish to make directly to the working group. This notice serves as the candidate announcement and call for discussion. Thanks, William DB-WG Co-Chair Our current chair process is as revised in 2017, as follows; 1) Number of chairs is a minimum of 2 with a maximum of 3. 2) Chair can be removed at any time by consensus. 3) Chair terms are staggered yearly. 4) One chair per year is replaced. 5) Working group selects chair by consensus. 6) The consensus judgement will be made by the serving WG co-chair(s) and will exclude the co-chair(s) who is the subject of that consensus judgement. 7) Selection process is as follow; 7.1) Interested parties have two weeks to make their interest known via the mailing list, or directly to the Chair/s. 7.2) After two weeks, the Chair/s ensure that all candidates are announced on the mailing list and issue a call for discussion. 7.3) WG members express their approval or otherwise of the presented candidates. 7.4) Two weeks after the call for discussion, the Chair/s declare a decision, based on mailing list discussion, as they would do for a policy proposal. 8) Any appeal over a consensus decision will be heard by the RIPE Chair (or their deputy) whose decision shall be final. 9) In the case more than one chair is up for selection at the same time, the chair with the greatest support will take a multi-year term, the chair with the least support will take the second longest term. Terms will be determined by the number of chairs (3 chairs = 3 year term, 2 chairs = 2 year teams). The intent is to maintain continuity of the working group chairs. So the working group is never left without a chair.