Dear Registries, We have found that the number of typos made in assignments and database updates is increasing too much lately. Especially mixing 192.x.y and 193.x.y is very popular. Also, we see a lot of 193 assignments send to <ripe-dbm>, and normal updates send in to <assign> We have for that purpose put some more strict checking on entries send in to <assign@ripe.net>. For each net that is being send in the <assign@ripe.net> we now check whether or not that network is already in the RIPE/MERIT/DDN database. If it is, it will be initially rejected and an error will be send to the NCC staff. The NCC staff will find out whether this is a typo, or just usage of the wrong e-mail address. In the latter case, we will forward the update to ripe-dbm@ripe.net, and it will be processed. If however a typo seems to be made, we will contact the person that send in the entry and try to resolve the issue. Long story short: - only NEW 193.x.y assignments to <assign@ripe.net> - ALL updates and other new entries to <ripe-dbm@ripe.net> -Marten