Dear DB-WG participants We are reaching out to you for agenda items for the Database Working Group session during the RIPE73 meeting in Madrid, Spain, 24-28 October 2016. The DB-WG session is currently scheduled as usual for Thursday (Oct 27th), starting at 15:00 local time, after the lunch break. The length of our timeslot is 90 minutes. ATTENTION: This time the meeting start and end times have been adjusted by one hour to complement the local Spanish working hours and customs. Please submit your items or topic suggestions directly to the WG chairs or to the list for public discussion. The draft agenda will be published soon. Looking forward to see you all in Madrid. All the best, Job, Nigel & Piotr -- gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski E-mail: Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl