Dear colleagues, at the routing wg we continue to discuss hierarchical authorisation for route objects. Since there are several issues involved related to the database and its implementation you are welcome to partici- pate in the discussion (we try to keep the database wg mailing list in the Cc). To make it easier to keep track of the discussion I compiled the current state in http://www.ripe.net/wg/routing/haro-d.html and will keep it updated in (more or less) regular intervals. Your comments are welcome. Regards Joachim _____________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Joachim Schmitz schmitz@noc.dfn.de DFN Network Operation Center Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Stuttgart ++ 711 685 5553 voice Allmandring 30 ++ 711 678 8363 FAX D-70550 Stuttgart FRG (Germany) _____________________________________________________________________________