People, I need your help on an implementation issue. I am working on the addition of guarded fields, and especially on the splitting of blocks in case some nets inside a block get different guarded fields than others. What I have implemented currently is that a block will be split into biggest possible parts containing the same guarded information, so for instance: inetnum: - netname: FRANCE-TELECOM-BLOCK-5 ... And then add an AS number (from guardian files) to network 1 and 2, and a different one to 3 and 4, and leave the rest as it is, will result in: *in: *na: FR-TELECOM-BLOCK-5 ... *in: - *na: FR-TELECOM-BLOCK-5 *as: AS1104 ... *in: - *na: FR-TELECOM-BLOCK-5 *as: AS786 ... *in: - *na: FR-TELECOM-BLOCK-5 ... This procedure works nicely but I still have some problems with this: - its is VERY slow (and I do not know how to improve that) - I still do not like the idea of splitting up blocks that are managed by someone else - In oder to keep the database size under control, we should also implement generating blocks again from individual entries in the database, but then again I am fiddling with someone elses data, which I do not like at all ... Could we get some opinions ? -Marten