-----Original Message----- From: Joao Luis Silva Damas [mailto:joao@ripe.net] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 4:38 AM To: plzak@arin.net; 'Andrei Robachevsky'; db-wg@ripe.net; routing-wg@ripe.net; irrtoolset@ripe.net Subject: RE: Re-homing of RAToolSet to RIPE NCC
It has never been the intention to turn the RAtoolset into a RIPE centric toolset. If it were we could have developed our own. The ISI people approached us with a request to consider supporting it after NSF funding for the RA project finished and the developers moved to other tasks.
Didn't say that RIPE centricity was the intention. What I did say was if one assumes that RIPE is to be the agent for a global product then there should be a means to be sensitive to the global community.
I am generally not very fond of "committees" for design purposes. I would rather keep channels open at NANOG, ARIN, APNIC, APOPS, RIPE, etc and try to address everyone's requests.
Wasn't talking about design by committee. Since this is existing software, the activity is one of maintenance not development. Changes should be made to correct implementation errors of the current design. PPP should take into account the requirements and needs of the entire community hence a need to ensure that there is a means to be sensitve to those needs.
Also, last but not least, the fact that we are making a commitment to devote resources to the maintenance and further development of the RAToolset does not mean we won't incorporate other people's development efforts into the toolset. We will just make sure we have the resources to do it.
But it doesn't ensure that you will incorporate them either. The bottom line is that where the resource controller makes the final decision based upon the organization's resource availability and its impact on the contributors to that resource, that will be the primary consideration and not necessarily those of the global users of the product. Ray
At 03:59 -0400 4/10/01, Ray Plzak wrote:
Assuming that RIPE is going to be the agent for a global set of tools, what are the plans for a configuration control board. One would assume that such a body would be formed so that the tool set does not become RIPE centric but takes on the broader global view of all users and is sensitive to their needs.