Dear all, one topic which has been lurking in the back for quite some time for the IRR is a more elaborate description of routing policies than offered by RIPE-181. In the past months it has more and more emerged, become mature, and is now on the standards track of IETF: RPSL, the routing policy structured language. For future development of the Internet world it needs to be incorporated into the registries. Some preliminary work has already been done to include RPSL into the RIPE database software. But we are still in the beginning. We want to show you which work was done up to now, which work is currently done, and which work there is still to be done in the future. We also want your input to allow a smooth transition from the current version of the database to its future implementation. RPSL is a topic which is important both for routing issues, and for database evolution. Therefore, the chairmen of database wg and routing wg, Wilfried Woeber and Joachim Schmitz, decided to have a joint session of both working groups in addition to their individual wg sessions, on this special topic, the RPSL transition. The individual wg sessions (routing and db) are held on Wednesday. The RPSL transition session is prepared with the help of the RIPE NCC and RPSL developers. It will be held on Thursday at 9:00am (see meeting schedule). Its major goal is *not* to teach RPSL but to give an overview of the current situation and planned developments. Please find enclosed the draft agenda for this session. Regards Wilfried Woeber and Joachim Schmitz Draft Agenda RPSL Transition Session 1. Preliminaries (Joachim Schmitz, Wilfried Woeber) - participants' list - volunteering of scribe - questions to the audience, part one - introduction 2. Short Introduction to RPSL (Daniel Karrenberg) 3. RPSL Planned Development (David Kessens) - RaToolSet - Status of the DB code - conversion tools 4. Changes in RIPE Database Software Behaviour (David Kessens) 5. Outline of a Transition Plan for RIPE (Carol Orange) 6. AOB - questions to the audience, part two - Tutorial at next RIPE meeting ---