Hi Bill, On 13.05.2022 14:23, Bill Woodcock via db-wg wrote:
The second issue is whether RIPE should be in the business of overriding the ICP-1 delegation of the ccTLD namespace to ISO, which in turn delegates it to the UN Statistics Division. [...]
I can't see how the ccTLD namespace comes into play here. I however do see ISO 3166 and its surrounding villages to be relevant - but without their ccTLD connotation. And as William Weber states: "Hell, even my Raiffeisen bank account IBAN in Kosovo also starts with XK*....", I feel that this warrants a deeper and more detailed look into matters - as banks IMHO are not well known for jumping the gun in adopting (international) standards. Even more so, as the "XK" for Kosovarian IBANs was not self-assigned by that Raiffeisen bank, but by SWIFT; see https://www.swift.com/standards/data-standards/iban-international-bank-accou... . IBANs, BTW, are also an ISO norm ;-) - please review ISO 13616-1:2020 (e.g. https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:81090:en) for details. Best, -C.