Robert Martin-Legene <robert@DK.net> writes: * On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Helen Dagerus wrote: * * > Ripe=B4s Database for searching IPaddresses goes fine, but if you (like= * a * > LIR) wants to find out if the customer (that requests for address space= * ) * > already have a range of addresses it=B4s very difficult to find out. My * > wish is that you can search for "company name". You can sometimes get a * > hit on "company name", but it is not often. * * A reverse lookup would seem ideal for this, and I believe many would * benefit from it (well - *I* would) :-) * * A substring search would be nicest. * * Other opinions? *
The wais interface at wais.ripe.net allows for full text search.
Thank you, this is great. And I am sorry for not looking more thorough at your homepage, but it is nice to have this mailinglist to ask... //Helen
* -- Robert Martin-Leg=E8ne (RM59), Network Manager (AS2109) * * main(){int a[2],b[2];pipe(a);pipe(b);if(fork()){dup2(a[0],0);dup2(b[1]= * ,1) * ;}else{dup2(b[0],0);dup2(a[1],1);write(1,"R",1);}execlp("cat","cat",0)= * ;} * *
Med Vänlig Hälsning Helen Dagerus ---------------------------------------------------------- Tele2/SWIPnet Tel: 08 5626 4000 NetCom Systems AB Fax: 08 5626 4210 Box 62 Email: dagerus@swip.net 164 94 Kista Email: helen.dagerus@tele2.se Sweden http://www.tele2.se/ ----------------------------------------------------------