Subject: object definitions
Hi Chris! [ nice to meet you! ]
Work here at the NCC on the Re-Implementation Project (RIP), is well under way.
Cute acronym, but don't get near Routing with that one :-)
We have been looking closely at the existing definitions of objects incorporating them into our new design.
We thought that now might be a good time for getting ideas on any changes in the object definitions that the wg would like to see.
Eg. - "mandatory" mnt_by field in domain
From a DB-WG's point of view, change requests for this one should be coming from the users of the Domain-Registry. I'd feel much more at ease if the request to change things would come from / at least be endorsed by the relevant WG (TLD-WG, probably?)
- "mandatory" mnt_by field in inetnum
Likewise, just s/Domain-Registry/IP-Registry/ (LIR-WG?)
- "mandatory" mnt_by field in person
This is probably something DB-WG can't push away to somewhere else :-)
(instead of the current - "optional".)
(Eg. to provide some sort of indication of how much protection users have against someone else deleting all their domains. Some users may not even realize that it is possible.)
In case we want to work on the awareness (first, even before deploying the new SW?), we could think about putting some sort of "(weakest/used) protection indicator" into the ack-messages? Something anlong the lines of: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following objects were processed. New OK: [inetnum] - protection: NONE Modified: [person] Spider Tarantula Woman (SPT1-RIPE) protection: ACONET-LIR-MNT, PGPKEY-DBC579D4 New OK: [domain] crack.ac.at protection: MAIL-FROM .*@cc\.univie\.ac\.at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe this is not a bad idea, anyway?
Existing object definitions can be found at: http://www.ripe.net/db/reimp/design/er/er_whois.html
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A ,-._|\ Chris Ottrey \_ / Oz \ At work in Amsterdam, \_,--._/ ottrey@ripe.net +31 20 535 4444 -=-=-=-=-=-v-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Thanks for bringing this up, and could the other WG chairs please indicate their preference for where to deal with that? TIA, Wilfried. PS: Chris, I hope your question indicates that the NCC is already very far down the road with implemenetation and testing, rather than fixing that very early on for whatever reason? I hope the new SW design still allows for modifying these things by way of some site config facility? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber@CC.UniVie.ac.at Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33 Vienna University : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : RIPE-DB (&NIC) Handle: WW144 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : PGP public key ID 0xF0ACB369 __________________________________________________________________________