I guess that you have to ask RIPE NCC hostmasters to put the newly invented (RPSL) "mnt-routes:" attribute to your inetnum object: inetnum: - netname: CH-UUNET-981023 The RPSL security mechanisms are pretty complex. In order to create a route object the inetnum's "mnt-routes:" and aut-num's "mnt-by:" must point to the maintainer object(s) authorizing you to make changes. On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Stephen Burley wrote:
route: descr: UUNET CH origin: AS702 mnt-by: AS702-MNT password: ********* changed: jsc@ch.uu.net 20011204 source: RIPE
I send the above object to the DB and get the following error:
New FAILED: [route] route: descr: UUNET CH origin: AS702 mnt-by: AS702-MNT changed: stephenb@uk.uu.net 20011204 source: RIPE ***Error: Hierarchical authorisation failed, request forwarded to maintainer.
Objects in RIPE-181 format are no longer accepted. Please see http://www.ripe.net/rpsl for more information.
RIPE Database Maintenance Department
Which is strange as the mainainer is us AS702-mnt. Any help on this matter whould be appreciated as this is not the only one.
Regards Stephen Burley UUNET EMEA Hostmaster SB855-RIPE
--------- Berislav Todorovic, Senior NOC Specialist -------- ------- KPNQwest N.V. - IP NOC (formerly EUnet NOC) ------ ---- Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 78, 2595 AN Den Haag, NL ---- --- Phone: +31-70-379-3990; Mobile: +31-651-333-641 --- -- Email: beri@kpnqwest.net <=> beri@EU.net -- --- _ _ ____ _ .--. ____ ____ __/_ --- ----- /__/ /___/ /\ / / / | / /___/ /___ / ------ ------ _/ \_ / _/ \/ (__.\ |/\/ /___ ____/ (__. -----