Dear DB-WG, Hope this email finds you in health! Comment below, inline, please... Thanks. Le dimanche 23 juin 2024, Ben Cartwright-Cox via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
Have you considered renumbering to avoid being in this situation ;)?
NTT has a IRR, NTTCOM, where I am unsure if Cogent uses that, or if RADB mirrors it.
Hi Ben, Thanks for your email, brother. <quote> "*Databases Mirrored: LACN, IC, IDNIC, AFRINIC, RIPE, RIPE-NONAUTH, BELL, APNIC, **NTTCOM**, ALTDB, PANIX, NESTEGG, LEVEL3, REACH, ARIN, JPIRR, BBOI, TC, CANARIE*" </quote> __ https://irr.net/registry/#:~:text=net/radb/dbase-,Databases%20Mirrored,CANAR... Hope this helps. Shalom, --sb.
I suspect your path to success will be to register the objects in RADB yourself, find some kind person who already has a subscription to do it for you.
On Sun, Jun 23, 2024, 18:43 Randy Bush via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
hi, [...]
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