Quoting from Piet Beertema's message:
would it be possible to implement the suggestion made by Robert Martin-Legene? It is more flexible...
If the TLD object contains a whois referral, we can a) query the server, and pass the response to the requester, preceded by a comment of the form: "The following data has been obtained from domain-registry.nl". b) pass the referral to the requester c) send the query to the server with the address of the requester
More flexible and more complicated. What exactly is the gain over the original, more simple proposal?
The proposal was: ...it shouldn't be a problem doing all three and let it be up the the owner of the object. Then the refer attrib could be refer: <forward-type> <whois-server-type> <host> [<port>] where forward-type could be: CHAIN for a) method REFER for b) method FORWARD for c) method To me the advantage is obvious: the owner of the TLD object can change the behaviour of the RIPE-DB server just by changing the refer field... ---------- ---------- Antonio-Blasco Bonito E-Mail: A.Bonito@cnuce.cnr.it Reparto Applicazioni Telematiche c=it;a=garr;p=cnr;o=cnuce;s=A.Bonito CNUCE - Istituto del CNR Tel: +39 (50) 593246 Via S. Maria, 36 Telex: 500371 CNUCE I I-56126 PISA Italy Fax: +39 (50) 904052 ---------- ----------