Dear all, this is the first draft of the agenda for the up-coming meeting of the RIPE DB-WG in Amsterdam. Comments, additions, modification requests welcome! See you in Amsterdam, Wilfried. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ripe-17.940119-a Draft agenda for the DB-Working-Group at RIPE-17, Amsterdam. ------------------------------------------------------------ 0. Opening, Scribe, Admin 1. New Databse Software . current status . experiences . documentation (who, how, when, what) - object definition and background - software documentation - maintainer's guide for Local-IRs - secondary server's guide 2. RIPE-Handles 3. PRIDE - RIPE-DB Interaction (if any) 4. Future needs . Guardians, operational aspects . Delete Operation vs Guarded Filed interaction (unless treated in the Presentation in the Routing Group) . Phase-out of RIPE-60 stuff (unless treated in the Presentation in the Routing Group) . Tools . Syntax checkers (distributed, and/or @ the NCC) 5. New/Revised Objects . CLNS Routing "dom-prefix:" . status of "connect:" and value "LOCAL" . status of "notify:" . others 6. Exchange Format . current status . recommendations for further action Z. AOB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilfried Woeber : Wilfried.Woeber@CC.UniVie.ac.at (Internet) Computer Center - ACOnet : Z00WWR01@AWIUNI11.BITNET (EARN) Vienna University : 29133::WOEBER (SPAN/HEPnet) Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Tel: +43 1 4065822 355 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : Fax: +43 1 4065822 170 NIC: WW144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------