Hello, sorry for coming "late to the party". Maybe this is of interest. Cable & Wireless developed a global IPAM system based on the Ripe-DB back in 2001. It had been been in use until the Vodafone takeover and is still used by Vodavone's main IP/Allocation administrator. Main features are: - classification of IP-Ranges on certain criterias like transfer net for pop X in ity Y - Supports IP-V4 and V6 - tool for requesting free ip space i.e. give me the next free transfer net for pop X in city Y - automatic sync with RIPE and APNIC - filtering (remove private attributes) whois daemon (mainly) for use with ARIN Its technically absolutely possible to implement IPAM attributed within the Ripe-DB and offer IPAM as a service for members. The software had been presented on the APNIC/APRICOT meeting back in 2006. I attached the paper in case anyone is interested. Its quite dry though. best regards, A. Vehling