Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet wrote:
and overloading mnt-by seems undesirable.
Maybe, but I don't see what the downside is in using a mechanism which is there, instead of inventing something new. Actually it was - maybe - blue-eyed to invent a new object type. Inventing a new attribute _without a proper syntax and semantic to go with it_ is probably not too much better...
Because indicating whether you should "trust" contact data and determining who can update your record are not the same thing. ripe-254 says "There are several consortiums that provide a framework for formation and coordination of incidence response teams." Assuming I would want the maximum number of people to "trust" contact data, I would end up adding several mnt-by objects, one for TI, one for FIRST etc. It is even possible that these consortiums may be competing companies. This just seems wrong, and increases the number of people who can change my IRT record (either malicously or by accident). Not to mention you can create, then add any mnt-by: record you care to your IRT object. Cheers John