We have found that the number of typos made in assignments and database updates is increasing too much lately. Especially mixing 192.x.y and 193.x.y is very popular. unfortunately typos are hitting all of the data bases:-(
- only NEW 193.x.y assignments to <assign@ripe.net> - ALL updates and other new entries to <ripe-dbm@ripe.net> The initial announcement for <assign@ripe.net> probably was not perfectly clear to restrict the use of this address to 193.x.y AND I remember that for some other reassignments (well, not my own) sent directly to DDN-NIC it was requested to channel all European reassignments via the NCC.
Thus I have been using assign@RIPE.net for updates which I intended to "write-through" to DDN-NIC (all messages including records for "old" blocks included a remark telling so). If we would know a little more about the state of how data base alignment between DDN-NIC and RIPE-NCC actually works or what the intended ways are, it might become easier for local registries to avoid misinterpretation of procedures. Sure, I know, that unfortunately progress on the data base alignement/exchange issue has been lagging far behind behind our hopes and needs for improvement, and I sure can appreciate some of the problems standing in the way (including the courtesy not explain all the problems in public). Well, we hope that with the INTERNIC service contracts now in place t will get easier to establish a smooth data flow - and make it known to the registries. Probably some folks will be discussing some of this somewhere in Ohio in a weeks time... (unapproved, closed mini-BOF in the 1:00 to 3:30 AM time after the social event? :-) CU, Ruediger Ruediger Volk Universitaet Dortmund, Informatik IRB DE-NIC Postfach 500 500 D-W-4600 Dortmund 50 Germany E-Mail: rv@Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE Phone: +49 231 755 4760 Fax: +49 231 755 2386