That sounds resaonable.
If the client side wrapper see a [ADD|UPD|DEL]/unknown_object action
Theres only an ADD and DEL action, no Update. Update = ADD
then it should translate it to ADD/dummy_object and send it to the database.
If it sees an unkown object/or attribute it should IMO discard it. On the other side i would opt for server (mirror) side filtering if the mirror has non-standard objects. The client should only reveive RPSL objects and put dummys in where needed. Like person objects when mirroring RADB. All private objects should be filtered before reaching an mirror client. regards, Arnd -- NetHead Network Design and Security Arnd Vehling av@nethead.De Gummersbacherstr. 27 Phone: +49 221 8809210 50679 Cologne, Germany Fax : +49 221 8809212