> > We have asked the NIC accept change notices from us, so tha t > registration of reverse servers in the database would be > enough to get them into the DNS. Is this desirable? > NO!! I do not agree, I think it would be very useful to the European networking community to interact with RIPE-NCC only instead of having to interact with both RIPE-NCC and the US NIC Interaction is fine. But RIPE stepping into someone else's authority is quite something different! I don't see the point in what Piet says: ..... If you "have only, say, 2 internal and the 2 external servers listed for foo.XX in the XX zone file" how could the RIPE-NCC script discover the other 8 internal servers? Looking in glass ball? Reread the original message: it explicitly contained a sentence: Then a list of all reverse servers found in the DNS: which implies that DNS is queried to find all (in this case reverse) nameservers. How that's done is irrelevant. Piet