Hi Denis,
I am an 'active' co-chair. I strongly resent the implication from both you and Randy that I am an 'activist' co-chair. An activist is "a person who uses or supports strong actions (such as public protests) to help make changes in politics or society". Completely inappropriate language to use in this context.
You also referred to me "taking a specific point of view". Yes, sometimes I do this for a number of reasons. One example was in the discussion about the "country:" attribute. The discussion was slow and in-precise. I put forward the idea of introducing a new "geo-country:" attribute with a clear geolocation definition to replace "country:" with. This was one of my crazy ideas that I knew would never happen. But it had the effect of focussing people's minds to agree that "geofeed:" is the way to go with the eventual deprecation of the "country:" attribute. As Gert said, everyone is free to reject any idea I put forward and agree on something else. That is exactly what people did in this case and that was a result.
This is exactly what I meant when I said more active chairing would be welcome. I didn’t mean “pushing for a certain outcome”, that would indeed not be good. But making suggestions, getting the WG to be more active etc. are all good. And that is how I understood your original message. Active but not activist :) Cheers! Sander