Dear people, On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 03:05:21PM +0200, Denis Walker wrote:
During the RIPE 67 Meeting in Athens last week, there was some discussion about the introduction of new "via" attributes to the AUT-NUM object.
This issue has been discussed on both the Database and Routing Working Group mailing lists and at RIPE 67 in both Database and Routing sessions. Overall there was support for it on the Database Working Group list. On the routing-wg@ mailinglist one comment was made, also in support of the introduction of these attributes. The software is ready to be deployed, but the RIPE NCC needs someone to say 'yes, go ahead' if there is consensus. Does anyone have a problem with moving forward towards deployment? Bullet point pitch: - The change is backwards compatible with older RPSL parsers. - The new attributes are completely optional. - This change adds advanced functionality that will especially benefit route server operators and participants. Kind regards, Job