Marten Terpstra <Marten.Terpstra@ripe.net> writes: * Suppose you get: * inetnum: - * <administrativia> * rev-srv: <server1> * rev-srv: <server2> * But server1 and server2 only have data for 64.204.193.in-addr.arpa. beca use * the remaining three nets in the block are not yet active. * What will you do?
My gut feeling would be we add them anyway. If the nets are not yet active, there is probably no need to do reverse lookups anyway, so noone would notice. On the other hand this would clash with the constraint that we woul d like to see all servers working before we add them ... I think we can put some intelligence in the rev-srv field to DNS record generator to get aroun d these things. Daniel ?
We could but the standard answer of course is: Multiple networks can only be folded into one RIPE DB object if all their attributes are the same. So either the reverse servers are up, or there need to be two objects: 193.204.64 and 192.204.65 - 192.204.67. Daniel