denis walker wrote on 07/01/2019 11:51:
then we can get even more flexible if the LIR portal allows you to define set names for lists of SSO auths. So instead of just flagging a contact to be included in 'the' list of expanded SSO auths, you can add a csl of list names in the portal. Then you can have all your contacts defined in any combination of multiple lists that you choose.
rather than getting too prescriptive about how we think this ought to be implemented, it may be a better idea to think about what we need as a final outcome and let the RIPE NCC people do the design + implementation. At the moment, there seems to be some convergence towards: 1. enabling LIRs to define SSO authentication groups, and that each mntner object can be associated with any particular authentication group. 2. providing configuration access to SSO authentication groups via the portal UI. Nick