While the whitepages org type system might be a bit odd, I see the need for some way to explicitly say "I don't want my handle to be cleaned up", for Atlas and anything else that might rely upon it. If there is a current system for this that is not whitepages (as Ed seems to suggest), I would suggest that maybe we find out why it is needed and how best to address it. I would like to request that the chairs create an NWI for the purpose of seeing what the best solution would be to solve these cases and potentially clean up the other solutions. -Cynthia On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 9:44 PM denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Hi Ed
Well maybe we should start by discussing this exclusion list. It's the first I have heard of it.
If such a list exists (as it does) then the reasons for exclusion should be defined. Maybe exclusion is also the wrong term, protected is perhaps more appropriate. Who decides if an object should be protected should also be defined and there should be some transparent indication in the database that an object is protected.
The whitepages mechanism was difficult to manage and relied on community moderators to decide if someone should be included. So maybe we should follow the NWI process and define the problem statement, being the reasons why some objects need protecting. Then we can decide how best to manage this.
cheers denis co-chair DB-WG
On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 21:04, Edward Shryane <eshryane@ripe.net> wrote:
Hi Will, Denis,
On 28 Jan 2021, at 20:30, Will Scott <willscott@gmail.com> wrote:
Can I request that EON11-RIPE be added to the same list?
I have added EON11-RIPE to the exclude list for the cleanup unreferenced
object job.
That satisfies my immediate goal as much as the white page, and the visibility of this mailing list thread should be equivalent to that of the previous one in helping the next person who comes along and runs into the edge case of wanting to protect an unreferenced atlas role.
Thanks, --Will
Denis, given there is still a need to be excluded from the cleanup,
should this be done by the whitepages mechanism and/or the (RIPE NCC managed) exclude list?
Regards Ed