Tim Streater wrote:
At 10:55 26/04/2007, Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet wrote:
Here's the (interim) answer from "hotseat": ______________________________________________________________________
We are currently experiencing issues with the auto-dbm update system. Our engineers are working on this and we hope to resolve it shortly. I apologise for the inconvenience this has caused.
Could try to submit your update using the syncupdates form?
When I looked into using this, and went to this link, I get presented with a request to enter my data in the form below. What do I put in here? I followed all available links and only found implementation-type information rather than help.
This form is a very basic access to our synchronous update facility. All you need to do is cut and paste your update message (what would normally be the body of your e-mail update) into the text area of this form and submit it. The acknowledgement response will be returned to your browser. I would point out that due to the surge in usage of this service it is also experiencing some delay now. regrads Denis Walker RIPE NCC
-- Tim