Hi, On Sun, Nov 08, 2020 at 11:30:03PM +0100, denis walker via db-wg wrote:
As Job said it is at an early discussion stage. If we do this using the NWI mechanism then the Problem statement and then a Solution definition will be discussed on the mailing list by anyone with an interest in this issue. Someone has to put forward a first draft for discussion.
Ideally RIPE NCC employees participate in the IETF process to produce NRTM v4. RIPE DB-WG members (and other industry stakeholders) are also free to participate in such a process. The GROW working group is probably the best fit given its history with RPSL.
Once these are agreed, we have three options: A-The RIPE NCC does the design and implementation B-A small group (Task Force?) of community people, with the RIPE NCC, does the design and implementation C-We have design by committee on the mailing list
The design for NRTM v4 should take place through the IETF process, as we seek to create an inter-operable standard supported by multiple implementations (some of which are not controlled by RIPE NCC).
Let's discuss the problem and solution ideas and then most likely option B is the way to move forward.
It is my understanding that an agreed upon problem statement in the form of a NWI from DB-WG will help RIPE NCC to allocate resources to help design and implement NRTM v4. Kind regards, Job