Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg wrote on 05/11/2020 13:12:
And more to the point, where may I find the real, actual, and complete set of zone files? Are they hidden away behind some curtain, or in some secret room? Who do I have to know in order to be invited to view the real zonefiles that are actually being used for delegation?
There are a couple of ways of going about this. 1. join secret society, learn special handshakes, involve oneself in mysterious + private rituals, attend shady meetings in smoke-filled rooms with nefarious intent, climb invisible ladder of privilege, fly private jet around the world to attend invite-only meetings with kings and presidents, then finally after many years be granted access to what lies behind the curtain. 2. zone axfr from pri.authdns.ripe.net, as Anand suggests. 3. download + parse DB data from: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/split/ripe.db.domain.gz I would advise option #1. The canapes and cigars are first class. Nick