Date: Fri, 19 Jan 96 11:55:38 +0100 From: Bjorn Carlsson <bc@sunet.se>
I have a question. I know that both Vienna and CERN build the as-path lists automatically.
GSL (Global Sprintlink) is connecting in Paris shortly, and they announce a lot of ASes. These ASes are defined in an as-macro which resides in the RADB and not the RIPE-DB. Will your filter-build programs be able to pick this macro up from the RADB? Or do they only scan the RIPE-DB?
Hi Bjorn, hmm, good question. We are mirroring those split-parts (rt, as) of the RIPE-DB which are needed by "rlc" to our local machine. If it turns out that we also need split-parts of the RADB and they are available by FTP like with RIPE, I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work, as long as the RADB splits have the same format. However, because rlc isn't able to compress as-path lists, I'm still using your nicely compressed "New AS-EBONE + as-path list".
Or rather, do I need to add each new GSL as explicitly to AS-EBONE, or can I add just AS-GSL?
It's an interesting question which should be discussed by the RIPE-DB working group ! Wilfried please take this, unfortunately I won't attend RIPE-23 !!! I have the following general questions in mind: - Is it allowed within the RIPE-DB to reference objects (macros) which are defined in a different RR (e.g. RADB) without duplicating them to the RIPE-DB ? - Is there a mechanism which ensures that object-names (macro-names) are unique ? - What are the implications for the various tools ? Kind regards Christian --- Christian Panigl : Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet --- --- VUCC - ACOnet : -------------------------------------------- --- --- Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Internet: Christian.Panigl@CC.UniVie.ac.at --- --- A-1010 Vienna / Austria : Tel: +43 1 4065822-383 (Fax: -170) ---