Hi Tore Sorry for the delay. This was on my ToDo list but just hadn´t got to that point yet. The DB-WG chairs agree this is suitable to be added to the list of Numbered Work Items as ¨NWI-8 LIR´s SSO Authentication Groups¨ I think the discussion we had in January, ending with Nick´s summary, could form the basis of the Problem Definition and the start of the Solution Definition. Lets focus on the Problem Definition first. I have included a draft Solution Definition below just to remind people where the discussion in January lead to. Do we agree on the Problem definition shown below?Just to get the terminology correct, in the portal UI are people referred to as ´users´ or ´contacts´? cheersdenisco-chair DB-WG Problem Definition LIRs would like a mechanism to easily add/remove users to centralised SSO authentication groups for maintaining objects in the RIPE Database. (Draft) Solution Definition -Technical Users listed in an LIR´s portal account, who have an SSO authentication account, can be added to and removed from user defined SSO authentication groups.-Each User can be a member of any number of named groups. (should there be a limit on number of groups?)-The authentication groups can be configured using the portal UI.-These groups can be referenced in MNTNER objects by a new authentication method ´SSO-LIR´. From: Tore Anderson via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> To: Piotr Strzyzewski <Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl> Cc: db-wg@ripe.net; Aleksi Suhonen <Aleksi.Suhonen@axu.tm>; db-wg-chairs@ripe.net Sent: Monday, 11 February 2019, 8:49 Subject: Re: [db-wg] Idea: magic mntner for all LIR contacts Chairs, According to the process document linked to by Piotr, you are supposed to respond to NWI requests with either «yes» or «no». More than a month has elapsed since I requested the NWI and the last message was posted to this thread. When should I expect your answer? Tore * Tore Anderson via db-wg
* Piotr Strzyzewski via db-wg
Look at this page https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/db/numbered-work-items and start new NWI.
Thanks for the pointer!
Chairs (cc-ed), could we have an NWI for this?
Rough problem statement for the kickstart phase follows:
There is currently no way to automatically sync the «auth: SSO x@y» attributes for a maintainer object with the list of (non-billing) users associated with an LIR.
This leads to duplication of work (adding/removing newly hired/departed LIR administrators in two places).
Additionally, this increases the risk of unauthorised access, e.g., if an administrator has left an LIR but was only removed from the LIR portal, he might inappropriately retain access to manage database objects for the LIR in question.
It is therefore desirable to have a method to protect RIPE database objects so that they can be maintained by the list of (non-billing) user accounts currently associated with a specific LIR at any given time. That is, when a RIPE NCC Access account is removed from the LIR's user list, the database maintainer access should be automatically revoked for that account as well.