Max Tulyev wrote:
So if you need to keep control on objects - keep your mnt-by there.
In this case customer must ask LIR to do any changes in RIPE DB. It is not a best choise, I think.
But it is only choise you have if you need to keep control, for example, to collect yearly payments for PI/AS as it usually is in RU/UA.
... another approach could be to link a resource object to more than 1 maintainer. As the access checks are performed on a "logical OR" basis, this allows modifications to be submitted by anyone holding a credential as listed in _any_ of the mntner: objects. We are doing that with some (legacy) objects of our customers. Works pretty well. Of course it assumes a collaborative environment, and/or some sort of incentive for the customer to not remove "your" maintainer (e.g. relying on your connectivity :-). It might work in your environment, and it might not be feasible. Whenever this approach is implemented, it is useful to properly configure notifications. This at least gets you a mail message if "something goes wrong" withthe collaboration.... Wilfried.