Hi David,
I don't understand why we need yet another object that has very simular functionality as the role/person object.
Why don't we fix the role object if there is a problem with the role object ?!? Or, why don't we retire the role object and replace it with an organization object. Adding yet another object, while keeping a deficient object seems not the best route to me. Let's first fix what we have or get rid of it before we start adding new objects.
Having three different objects that all have very simular but not exactly the same functionality will only add to the confusion.
Yes, you can keep adding objects for all kind of special needs, but there comes a point where it's impossible for regular humans to deal with the database because they don't understand the fine differences of all the different contact objects and special obscure attributes.
David K. ---
I fully agree with your comment Martin ---------------------------- Martin VYSKOCIL Telekom Austria AG Broadband Networks & Services Tel.: +43 59059 1 43429 FAX: +43 59059 1 43492 mailto:mvyskocil@highway.telekom.at