- Last but not least we could think about "closing" the DB for public, that is anonymous, update or registration of objects. I think *that* would require *very* careful consideration, discussion, and establishing a broad consensus across (all of) the RIPE-WGs. I'd also expect considerable impact on activities like RIDE.
I got further (not too serious) ideas: What about creating two databases? (Two categories of objects.) One for objects sent by non-registries, and one for well maintained, authentic objects. Peoples could send objects to the level1 database, and registries could move the correct ones to level2. Level1 objects older than 6 months will be automatically and silently deleted. Level2 objects should be updated at least once a year, otherwise a warning message goes to the maintainer registry. After a certain period forgotten level2 objects go back to level1. All current object is on level1. Regards Gabor