Dear RIPE DB-WG, Hope this email finds you in good health! Please see my comments below, inline... Thanks. Le vendredi 21 juin 2024, Shane Kerr via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> a écrit :
On 21/06/2024 06.36, Hank Nussbacher via db-wg wrote:
We are aware of an incident affecting Whois updates yesterday evening, which we are continuing to investigate. We will keep the DB-WG informed.
There is still ongoing activity with perhaps malicious whois updates. See attached.
This is `mnt-nfy:` working as intended right? You can contact the folks at IFAT group and let them know that their resources might have been hijacked, and you can contact the RIPE DBM and have them investigate.
Is there some specific action that you think that the RIPE DB working group can or should do?
Hi Shane, Thanks for your email, brother. It seems as its actions are also oriented as allowed by the objectives of this very working group. Please see the below quoted: " *[...]The Database Working Group is open to anyone with an interest in the RIPE Database. The group discusses changes to existing database objects, the creation of new objects and features, distribution of databases _***and security issues***_. To post a message to the list, send an email to * db-wg@ripe.net *. Please note that only subscribers can post messages.[...]*" __ https://www.ripe.net/membership/mail/ripe-mailing-lists/db-wg/#:~:text=The%2... . Blessed day! Shalom, --sb.
-- Shane
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