Hello, in full changelog I noticed another change, which is not mentioned here: https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/whois/pull/1492/commits - why is implemented limitation to email lenght to 80 characters, when RFC5341 [1] clearly defines maximum total length of a domain name or number is 255 octets and local-part to 64 octets in sections and I don't think implementing limitations adnd ignoring relevant RFCs here isn't a good approach at all, it can generate unnecessary problems. - Daniel [1] https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5321 On 9/5/24 12:56 PM, Edward Shryane wrote:
Dear colleagues,
RIPE Database release 1.114 has been deployed to the Release Candidate environment for testing. We plan to deploy to production on Thursday 19th September.
This release has the following main changes:
* NRTMv4 Key Rotation (#1484) * HTTP DoS Filter for Update Requests (#1495) * HTTP block IP Filter (#1498) * Add Warning When Password Authentication is used in Mailupdates (#1511)
The release notes are on the website: https://docs.db.ripe.net/Release-Notes/#ripe-database-release-1-114
More information on the Release Candidate environment can be found on our website: https://docs.db.ripe.net/Release-Notes/#release-candidate-environment
The data in the RC environment is a dummified copy of production from 2nd September.
Please let us know if you find any issues with this release in the RC environment.
Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC
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