Hi again, Here is another brief proposal for your perusal. This time for an implementation of hierarchical authorization in the Routing Registry. The mechanism described below will implement a hierarchy in the RR for which I believe there is consensus. The ideas in the proposal below were sifted from discussions which took place on the <routing-wg@ripe.net> mailing list and in the Routing WG meetings at RIPE-25 and RIPE-26. Please review this if you have time. We are hoping to have a go ahead on this from the Routing and Database WG's at or shortly after RIPE-27. Greetings, Carol Orange RIPE NCC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hierarchical Authorisation in the RR Proposal for an Implementation Carol Orange, May 1997 At the January meeting of the Routing WG in Amsterdam, various possible hierarchies for authorization in the Routing Registry (RR) were considered. Whereas extensive discussion took place on the extent to which authority can be established in the RR, there was clear agreement that the maintainer of an AS should have authority over what routes are announced with a given aut-num in the "origin:" attribute. In the following, we specify an implementation to support the authority of "aut-num:" maintainers to determine who can announce routes under their AS. The mechanism can be extended as the need arises and consensus on other forms of authorization is achieved. For more information on the discussions leading up to this proposal, see: http://www.ripe.net/wg/routing/haro-d.html. Implementation -------------- If you (or your organization) manages an AS, then you should have authority over the routes announced in your AS. This can be implemented if we: a) add a "mnt-lower:" attribute to the aut-num object b) allow routes to be announced with a given "origin:" by those given authority as defined in the mntner object specified in the "mnt-lower:" attribute of the aut-num object. Example ------- If we add a "mnt-lower:" attribute to the aut-num object of the RIPE NCC, then only those who know what peEw8Gb4xBNqI encrypts can add and remove routes originating in AS3333. ---- aut-num: AS3333 ... mnt-lower: AS3333-MNT ... ---- mntner: AS3333-MNT descr: RIPE-NCC Maintainer ... auth: CRYPT-PW peEw8Gb4xBNqI ... ---- route: descr: RIPE-NCC origin: AS3333 ... Summary ------- Other forms of hierarchical authorization and notification can be implemented in the future if a well defined hierarchy can achieve consensus. To provide some initial functionality which may meet the needs of many RR users, we propose to implement the above in the short term.