Hi, My opinions on this can probably be summed up with me pretty much entirely agreeing with Job, Randy, and mostly with Gert. With regards to Gert's reply I would just like to say that I think trying to decide who is and isn't a legal entity is something really complicated and last I checked the NCC didn't seem to be great at it. Some kinds of legal structures like partnerships or associations might be legal entities in some jurisdictions but not in others. I think a better argument here is that being able to create an inet(6)num object with a tech-c/admin-c that has someone's personal details in it but no ability to put a geofeed attribute in it due to the prefix size seems like an extremely weird situation. If the NCC legal team thinks this makes sense then I would love to hear how on earth they think it makes more sense to publish someone's name, address, and phone number, than to publish a URL that might contain the location of the device(s) using that IP address (which the NCC doesn't publish directly). (especially as I think people would rarely make it more specific than a city or borough) -Cynthia On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 9:06 PM Randy Bush via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
hi ed:
one step forward, one back.
in a previous life, i was a programming language hacker snd compiler writer. we used to make very strong negative review of any proposals to muck about with semantics in comment fields. just don't.
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