Dear Job

If we implement attributes with generated values is there any point in keeping the "changed:" attribute at all?

-is user set to a vast range of dates (user's choice) with as many or few instances as you wish
-is unreliable and possibly miss-leading to anyone else
-will become, even if correct, a duplication of both the generated values and --list-versions output
-requires mandatory email address
-invites abuse

Maybe it could be deprecated if the proposed attributes are implemented?

Denis Walker
Business Analyst
RIPE NCC Database Team

On 17/04/2014 13:38, Job Snijders wrote:
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 04:33:12PM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
On Apr 15, Job Snijders <> wrote:

I look forward to the group's feedback! Also, I'm interested in how
people would use this attribute in their workflows or automation. 

No objections to an automatically enforced last-modified attribute,
but then I would demote changed to an optional attribute to allow
removing duplicate information. I already use changed this way, by
only keeping the last one.
I think making changed: optional is good addition to the proposal. 

Kind regards,
