Hello Marco,
-----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- Von: db-wg-admin@ripe.net [mailto:db-wg-admin@ripe.net]Im Auftrag von Marco d'Itri Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. April 2006 14:25 An: db-wg@ripe.net Betreff: Re: [db-wg] Adding route objects
On Apr 05, Winfried Haug <wh@germany.com> wrote:
we would like to ask the db-wg working group to change the behavior of adding route objects to the ripe database. I had a discussion with someone from ripe during the routing registry course and he told me that ripe could change the way how route objects can be created but this must be decided by the db-wg. I believe that this is a sensible proposal.
I would even argue that the WG should consider allowing whoever controls mnt-routes OR the referenced aut-num object to remove (not create) a route/route6 object even if the request is not authenticated by both maintainers.
this would not help in our case and i assume many ISPs might have the same scenario. As long as ISP OLD is routing the block the old route-object is necessary. If ISP OLD doesnt WANT to add a mnt-routes, i have to send a fax. In order to minimize the down-time, we need an additional route-object for 1-2 days. My proposal would be: The ISP should be able to remove his route-object referring to his AS number. This is still working!. The maintainer referenced to the inetnum object should be able to create and delete the route-objects tied to his inetnum. What can happen ? Case 1: Inetnum-Maintainer deletes one of his route-objects -> bad for him, he might loose connectivity Case 2: Inetnum-Maintainer creates a route-object with a AS he has no connection to -> nothing critical or am i wrong ? But the unwanted object can be deleted by the AS maintainer directly or the inetnum maintainer. Case 3: Inetnum-Maintainer creats a route-object for his upstream -> perfect The current situation is not very nice for customers and causes additional work at the Ripe NCC. Addionally, it give the first owner of a route-object a power to deny further route objects. This doesnt make sense in my eyes. Winfried Headlight Housing Factory | Rechenzentrum: Azenbergstrasse 35 | Neue Bruecke 8 D-70174 Stuttgart | D-70173 Stuttgart Fon: +49 711 2840 0 | e-mail: wh@headlight.de Fax: +49 711 2840 999 | http://www.headlight.de