Laurent Joncheray <lpj@merit.edu> writes * Ok, here are my last comments again (seens that last time they * went directly to /dev/null). I won't accept a document which does not * allow more than 1 update of an object per day. * in case of several changes in the same day. Proposed syntax * (compatible with the older one): * * changed: <email> YYMMDD [hh:mm:ss] [+oo] * * If hh:mm:ss is missing we assume 00:00:00 +00 ??? * +oo if the offset from GMT. (i know, we have to deal with the times * zones :-) This is not for us to decide. The database working group should decide on this. However, your statement that the document only allows one update per day is wrong. The current database can take as many updates per day for one object as you like. Implementation matter. -Marten