* Edward Shryane via db-wg
here is the RIPE NCC's proposed implementation plan for NWI-8: LIR's SSO Authentication Groups.
Hi Ed. I was unfortunately unable to make it to Reykjavik, but I just watched the recording of your presentation and saw that you are awaiting feedback on this plan before proceeding. I didn't realise from the e-mail alone that you were soliciting feedback, so I didn't reply to it. I thought it was more a «JFYI, this is what we are going to do». In any case, your plan looks very reasonable and will solve my use case of having a database maintainer kept automatically in sync with the LIR Portal users. I am completely fine with punting the groups concept for later - this feature was not part of my original «magic mntner» proposal anyway. I am unlikely to make use of this feature when it does get implemented. It would seem that my concerns about the groups concept amounting to «feature creep» that would complicate the implementation of the core of the proposal was not entirely unfounded. Thumbs up from me. Tore