Quoting from Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet's message:
Hi David !
=> => What about the WWW/WAIS interface to the database? = =I will add it to the list. It probably slipped my mind (by my software =engineer perspective) since it is not part of the database software =itself, but a separate project. = =As far as me concerned, it is a very useful addition to the database =interfaces we already have and thus should be high on our priority list =(for the new website).
I think that's 2 different issues:
- WWW/WAIS access to the information contained in the DB
That's probably a separate project that might need some finishing touches from the DB software engineer(s)
I think what is needed is just install the software on one of the NCC servers. It is also possible, as a temporary solution, to insert a link to our server which every day mirrors the RIPE-DB and creates the wais indexes.
- WWW/HTML/HTTP functionality in the DB-SW package and the whois-server and whois-client
That's from my point of view part of the item to include/provide means to register URLs (in some way or another) in the DB objects. But registering the URL strings itself is not a major problem (we could use a remarks field for that porpose as an interim measure - look at spt1-ripe :-), but the *access* to the objects by way of an http or whois interface is! I haven't found a trick yet to make my browser process an object as html code...
It is anyway needed to reformat the DB object in HTML. That is exactly what the cgi-bin in our software does. We can cooperate to port this part of software in a different context (whois ?).
For the moment I'd like to concentrate my efforts on the second aspect!
David, is there a chance to meet you during the IETF to share some drinks and thoughts?
-- ---------- ---------- Antonio-Blasco Bonito E-Mail: bonito@nis.garr.it GARR - Network Information Service c=it;a=garr;p=garr;o=nis;s=bonito c/o CNUCE - Istituto del CNR Tel: +39 50 593246 Via S. Maria, 36 Fax: +39 50 904052 I-56126 PISA Telex: 500371 CNUCE I Italy Url: http://www.nis.garr.it/nis/staff/bonito.html ---------- ----------