Am 28.01.16 um 15:45 schrieb Sascha Luck [ml]:
On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 12:03:49PM +0100, Andreas Worbs wrote:
hand "org:" is optional at the moment and not everybody had set up an "org:". So after a forced deleting of "netname:" it is possible that you don't have an information in the WHOIS to which customer the subnet belongs to.
AIUI, this affects only allocation and independent resource assignment objects. An object of this type without an "org:" field should not exist (Tim, correct me if I'm wrong).
For customer assignments, the "netname:" is filled in by the LIR and it's a freeform string so not a mandatory format.
AHH, that's my fault. I didn't realized it is about the allocations only. So i agree and the netname for the allocations can be cleaned.
can consider if they want to delete "netname:" themselves or perhaps through RIPE. Don't know if it's possible to set up an option in the LIR portal and the LIR can set a flag until DD-MM-YYYY if RIPE shall clean-up their netname attributes.
That's nearly the worst option, it would lead to an inconsistent format for these objects, some with "netname:", some without...
If it's optional you'll have the same situation. Some allocations will have a netname and some not. But because i didn't realized it's about the allocations only. It's not important for me anymore, i thought it's about cleaning up the assignment netnames :-)
rgds, Sascha Luck
-- Mit freundlichem Gruß Artfiles New Media GmbH Andreas Worbs Artfiles New Media GmbH | Zirkusweg 1 | 20359 Hamburg Tel: 040 - 32 02 72 90 | Fax: 040 - 32 02 72 95 E-Mail: support@artfiles.de | Web: http://www.artfiles.de Geschäftsführer: Harald Oltmanns | Tim Evers Eingetragen im Handelsregister Hamburg - HRB 81478