Hi On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 00:11 Daniel Suchy via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
On 06/15/2018 04:52 PM, Lu Heng via db-wg wrote:
Ripe and Afrinic, are not “someone else”, they are part of an unified RIR system that adminiatrating the numbers.
The system is *not* unified. Each RIR has it's own policies, own rules, own implementation of the database...
Which exactly the cause the problem in the very first place, internet is one, we will need an unified registration system to clean up the current mass of DBs, but again, that’s another discussion.
As Job suggested, let’s wait RIPE their plan and future discuss the timeline—If Afrinic haven’t fix things by then.
I don't support this. With this approach we can also wait forever. If some delay will be introduced, there must be exact timeline for that. And probably we don't know, *when* AfriNIC fix it's database.
I will try to have Afrinic put out an “exact” timeline, and I agree with you exact timeline is important.
As it was mentioned already, discussion already took place. It's AfriNIC problem now. We cannot solve problems of other RIRs in local (RIPE) database - just because there's lack of support elsewhere. That's (among others) also security problem. From long term perspective - legacy/foreign data from past needs to be removed, it's a garbage here (in RIPEdb). World around us changes and there're so many people misusing old features for nasty things novadays.
Again, I don’t disagree with fixing the problem, and I am victim of those abuse as well. Fundamentally, while internet is one, separate registration system cause the root of this very problem, if we have one database, we will not have a problem like this to fix to begin with. I will try my best to have Afrinic, and hopefully Other community member can join as well, to fix the IRR at an known time frame.
- Daniel
-- -- Kind regards. Lu